A Small Small Business
One of my favorite things about running my own small business is having complete control over how much I work.
I’ve lived through the hustle culture of teaching, school start-ups, and urban charter school education—and, while grateful for the experience and the good work I was a small part of, I don’t miss the grind.
Now I’m a mom staying home with a small child. With art, I’ve found a way to contribute to the lives of those around me that fits into naptimes and occasional evenings.
When I don’t have time for this business, I don’t do it.
When I have extra margin, I take on new projects.
I’m unapologetic about putting our family life first. And that’s my favorite thing about getting to do what I do! In this season, I’m keeping my small business small—really small—with an eye for developing when and where I can, when and where I want.
It’s been the biggest blessing to see the ways my small offerings have impacted you already. Thank you for being here, and I hope you find something that brings beauty to your life and connects you to your people and places!